Strengthening Your Script

“The name is Bond…James Bond.”

“I’ll be back.”  

“Luke, I am your father.”

These are just a few of the most memorable lines in movie history, and someone wrote these lines! A talented scriptwriter can make lasting impressions on generations to come, a decent scriptwriter can fashion a few laughs, and a lousy scriptwriter can tank a big budget production.

Thankfully, CMD has you covered on the writing front. Our staff can effortlessly adapt your ideas onto paper, and create text that targets your specific audience. We understand that developing the right message is directly linked to how well the product or production is received. Whether starting from scratch, or just touching up a few lines, CMD is at your service.

Benefits of a Strong Script

Let’s think of the script as the ‘blueprint’ of the project. If there’s a problem with the blueprint, there’s inevitably going to be a problem with the finished product. That’s why writing a strong and cohesive script is essential to making sure your audience understands your message. Here are a few benefits of strong script writing:

  • Audience Reception – Evoking emotion is one of the main reasons for creating a script in the first place. A focused script will help evoke the intended emotion from the audience.
  • Appealing Content – Not only do you hope your audience will react in a certain way to the content, you also want the content to appeal to the audience. Attract your viewers with a strong narrative.
  • Good Flow – Cohesiveness is your friend. Make sure to have content that flows in an organized sequence, which will allow the audience to understand the story sans any headaches.

Let Us Help

Writing a powerful script isn’t easy. It’s crucial, though, in making sure your content appeals to the right audience, and that your message is heard. Leave the hard work to us at CMD. Find out more on our website and check out our other services, too, for your media needs.

Finding The Perfect Tone

Finding the perfect music track is a crucial step in the production process. Music evokes emotion in the audience, which is directly controlled by the producer who selected the track.

Whether the audience should laugh, cry, or scream for more, this can all be affected by the music selected. Different types of music evoke different types of emotions; part of how the audience reacts to the message depends on the music selected, and often times that can be critical in achieving the right overall effect.

Things to Consider

When deciding which music track to use in your production, there are a few things to keep in mind. We’ve already noted the relationship between emotion and music. Now, here are a few tips to when choosing the perfect tracks:

  • Be wary of digital instruments - Though technology can produce some amazing sounds, digital instruments can quite often sound, well, digital. Make sure to listen to the real thing and its digital counterpart before making a final selection.

  • Choose the right structure - You've been searching stock music sites for hours, and finally found the perfect sound. But does it keep up with the video? Or is it too fast in comparison with the video tempo? Video transitions and music tracks should coincide, so make sure to give a final look before signing off. 

  • Keep it in the background - Make sure the final music track doesn’t distract your audience from the content. A great song that is turned up too loud can easily pull viewers’ attention away from what they should actually be paying attention to.

  • Intro and Outro - Choosing a track for the intro and outro of your production sets the tone for the entire piece. This prepares the audience for what’s to come, and leaves them with the right feeling when the credits roll.

Where to Look

There are so many websites out there that offer tons of music options. Royalty free music is license free, which allows you to use a music track at no cost for an indefinite amount of time. There are also licensed music tracks, which typically allow you to use a track for a certain price for a certain amount of time. Whether royalty-free or licensed, make sure you understand the legal limits of your track before putting it in your production. 

For all your music search needs, look no further than CMD. We can search royalty free music, licensed music, sound effects, and even compose an entirely original piece. We’ll make sure that your creative direction is produced and mixed to perfection with all the right tools. Our services feature sound design, original music, and mixing. Browse our website to find the perfect service for you, or contact us today.

Effectiveness of Voice Overs

Not only do voice overs provide narration to a variety of audio and video productions, they also alter the effectiveness of content and provoke thought and emotion in viewers and listeners. The power of voice overs offers an effective way to peak the interest in a certain audience and spread information. The impact of media is heavily affected by voice-overs, as they draw in consumers and deliver important messages.

How We’re Affected by Voice Overs 

Whether driving in our cars, at the movies, or our favorite TV shows, we as consumers are affected by voice-overs every day. Content like radio commercials and movie trailers specifically use voice overs to attract specific audiences. A trailer for an action movie may use a deep and solemn voice to elicit excitement over the new film while a radio commercial may use a hip and catchy voice to peak interest with the omission of visual stimulation.

No matter the medium, voice overs serve as necessary audible markers to get a message to the audience. With the digital age we live in, the importance of an effective voice over is significant. That’s why we at CMD offer a variety of fantastic voice over services in New York City and across the world to suit your media needs.

Do They Work On You?

Take a second to think about how you’ve been affected by the voice in media. Think about your favorite animated show. Do you have a favorite character? Do you like their voice? Chances are you’re favorite character not only retains traits you like but also has a voice that you find appealing. Now think about the last radio commercial you listened to. Within seconds, you decide whether to tune in or change the station, and a big part of that is the voice used.

On a daily basis, we are drawn in or turned off by the voices in media. Whether we like the sound of a certain voice or not, voice overs evoke emotion. They may excite us over a movie or product, or cause concern over societal issues. Either way, each and every one of us has been swayed to feel one way or another by voice overs.